Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Here it is.
My comic -con madness.
pretty good.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Rarrr rarrrrrr.
Space is cosmically with my trusty friendly best buddy Mr. Apple IIgs.
Shit space biziches I can play Tetris 'n' shit all tha motha fuckin space day.
yo!!!!~! MF Carmen Sandiego is tryin to find ME cuz im tha ACE .......... of SPACE.......... SPACEACE!!!!!!

Space Bear iz l00kin bored az shit. U know u aint steady mobin if u aint got vintage apple 'n' a interstelar rock to perch on!


Oh no space bear. What have you gotten yourself into. Space is no place for bears.
Its cold out there and no one can hear you scream!!!

What kind of crazy/risky space program let you blast off without a space suit, or is that just a spacesuit designed to look like a bear>?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

An Ode To Jaws
Oh Jaws
Your metal teeth shine with savage glory
But what of your heart?
Surely your ruthless demeanor hath been culled from society’s evils.
At the end of each day are you happy as a henchman?

In the Spy Who Loved Me you fought a shark
was this an allegory
for your animosity
towards playing second fiddle
to a mindless killer
who is better known
and was made
into a movie
before you got your chance?
That shark stole your name
what a douche.

That must have hurt you
I know you’re capable
of love.
I saw Moonranker
and speaking of that
Wasn’t Hugo Drax’s plan
strikingly similar
to that
of shipping magnet
Karl Stromberg?

I’m sure you saw their likeness.
Did you try to advise him?
To tell him that this didn’t work last time
Maybe he told you
that since he was heading to space
everything would be different
or maybe
Hugo just couldn’t understand what you were saying
because of your metal teeth.

what made you decide
to peruse
such similar employment
after the fiasco
and abandonment
that occurred
at your last job.

Maybe its just hard for a seven foot tall goon to find work in this economic recession.